From 6 November Norwegian amateur radio enthusiasts can use three new bands, they are a part of the 40-meter band.
Now the primary use of the 40-meter band will be for radio amateurs.
There are also plans for a frequency extension on the 12-meter band.
Norwegian amateurs have until now secondary user rights on 60-meters (5.260-5.410 MHz), 600-meter band (493-510 kHz), and for five block-systems in the 4-meters (70 MHz) band.
The area of 7,100 up to 7,200 MHz has become primary for amateur radio use with a maximum capacity of 1000 Watt PEP.
There will also be modifications in the SHF and EHF areas.
We see that more and more countries permit the use of a 4-meter band (50 Mhz).
The 4-meter band is interesting because it is just like 6-meter a very good band for mobile stations.
Success with working in Norway!