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Visit Westschouwse bunker of Dan pa1fzh.
Sunday 26 November you could visit and take a closer look at the little bunker of Dan PA1FZH.
This Sunday afternoon (with fine weather) there was much interest in the bunker.
That stands near the observation tower of citizen protection. (former B.B. service) in the water winning areas of Westschouwen
The bunker has been put recently available for: dares emergency communication to happen.  

In the little building, 220 volts and reduction are present.
There was the opportunity to climb the tower and look around the bunker for examination.
Then explanation has extended given concerning the former B.B. matter…

Here are the pictures:
Klik voor uitvergroote weergave foto.

After a brief walk through the surrounding woods, we could take a closer look at the tower and bunkers.
The observation tower and the bunkers played a role in the cold war.
For monitoring the airspace and monitor of the possible use of N.B.C. weapons.
Because of the end of the cold war and the improvement of radar.
The use of the visual observation towers became soon obsolete

Klik voor grotere weergave van de B.B. bunker...

In 1968, this type of underground shelters was used by citizen protection B.B. to give shelter for three persons.
The wall thickness of approx. 25 cm was not resistant against heavy bump waves.

In the bunker had the inventory:
- Electric heater for cooking.
- Electric heating for the room.
- Food rations.
- Some small china. a table, some chairs.
- Inductive telephone, with a line to a central commando in Goes.
- A toilet.
- A shower to remove possible fall-out.
- N.b.c. measurement equipment.
- Two air filters with hand-operated ventilator.
- Some small tools, fuses, spare lightbulbs e.c.t..

Klik voor uitvergroote tekening van de Bunker. 
Above: the construction drawing of the bunker. (clickable).
The bunker belonged to the towers 3X1 of the B.B.
It was a stationary measuring post (S post).
A preamble of the rural Measurnet of nuclear incidents (L.M.N.I.)

What is later proceeded in the "National Measurenet of Radio Activity". (N.M.R.A.) this function expired in 1980.
On 26 November 1986, the shelter was transferred to the regional Firebrigade of Zeeland.

Recently he has been put available to dares and in the original state and has been repaired entirely.
The manual operated ventilator is even still there.

After this piece history now some information about it current function:
For dares and normal amateur use, there is 230 volts present.

The V.H.F. and U.H.F. links are ideal for working from the near tower as an antenna point.
For the shortwave bands (H.F.) a wire antenna can be stretched there, even a quarter wave for 160 m. is possible.
A good electric ground is present and the noise level (Q.R.M.) on H.F. is very low by the position.

Posted by beheerder on 08. August 2009 14:51 Posted by beheerder on 08. August 2009 14:51 0 Comments 9516 Reads Print
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